About Us  
We provide access to independent McKenzie Friends across the UK.

For every £10,000 you would pay a lawyer, we aim to charge £1,000 as an alternative, non-legal service.

We aim to provide a more flexible and affordable non-legal alternative service than lawyers.

We will advise you on what you need to know, not what you want to hear.

We will help reduce and manage conflict and acrimony.

We aim to bring transparency and openness to the Family Court Justice System.

Video : About our service and why we set up the McKenzie Friend Network
  Our McKenzie Friends?  
Under our referral terms:
A small number of McKenzie Friends may have a law background. However, the vast majority are not legally
trained or qualified. Our affiliate McKenzie Friends, do not provide 'legal advice' and do not operate as
'legal advisors'.
Our affiliate McKenzie Friends operate as 'lay people' and provide support as an 'informed friend'.
Our listed McKenzie Friends are affiliates who provide their service as independent McKenzie Friends.
We invite you to read the profiles of all our McKenzie Friends before accepting their service.
Our McKenzie Friends agree to comply with the guidance of the Family Law Division.
  Are we similar to lawyers?  
Absolutely not! We do not in anyway compare ourselves to lawyers.
Our affiliate McKenzie Friends are not legal entities and do not provide a legal service.
Our affiliates provide a service based on the position and understanding that tens of thousands of people,
every year, go through the court system without any legal representation without being at any disadvantage
If a person was disadvantaged by not having a paid lawyer then we would have a two tiered, broken
and unfair system favouring those who can afford lawyers. This is simply not the case.
The entire system is founded on the principle of access to justice where any person
can self litigate without a lawyer, and without any knowledge of law, without being disadvantaged with
respect to the outcome.
It is based on this understanding that our affiliates support people through the court system, as laypeople,
as a non-legal service, saving people tens of thousands of pounds on legal fees.
  Our Guiding Principles  
One of the most empowering aspects of being a McKenzie Friend is to have an independent insight into the Family Law system and to scrutinise the practices within in. My conclusion is that all is not well.

Any expectation that a person going through the traumatic life event of separation should routinely pay upwards of £15,000 for legal representation to gain access to children, to resolve child arrangements or seek financial resolution, often with the most straight forward of applications is simply wrong and unjustified.

At a fraction of the cost, a McKenzie Friend can support you through a system based on practical and straight forward procedures and to help you build a case that reduces conflict and focuses on the defined determining factors and principles that are based on common sense checklists rather than complex legal precedents.

The closed and self serving system that has for decades perpetuated a myth that 'Family Law Needs Lawyers' is now being exposed as more and more Litigants in Person empower themselves to take their own cases forward. The genie is finally out of the bottle and it isn't going back in anytime soon.

Whilst many professionals may have eagerly financially prospered off the back of their client's drawn out emotional conflicts, for any Litigant in Person, the way forward is to be the first to effectively manage and reduce conflict and to seek a reasonable resolution from the outset.

From my extensive practice and experience, I would without hesitation recommend that seeking a free consultation with an experienced McKenzie Friend Lay Person, who mentors in conflict management, should be your very first step to take.'

      Philip Kedge : Director